Welcome! Gentle Awakenings is passionate about assisting the world's ascension through helping individuals understand who they really are as beautiful spirit beings temporarily experiencing life as a body/mind/ego/personality; put simply, we are all spiritual beings having a human experience.
We encompass the balance and flow between our levels of being: grounding ourselves in the earth, nourishing ourselves with what the earth offers, then reaching up for spiritual wisdom and healing. We exist simultaneously on many levels of being: body (earth), emotion (water), mind (air), and spirit (light). If these are not aligned, we experience imbalance and disharmony. Healing literally means to make whole.
At Gentle Awakenings, we seek to help you unite these parts of your being and raise them to new energy levels for self-healing. We provide you with tools to help you find missing pieces and direct you to your Inner Knowing, so that you may reclaim your strength, wholeness, self-understanding, and peace. Feel free to peruse our site, discover what we have to offer you, and partake of whatever wisdom you may find here that serves you. Wherever you are on your journey, we are grateful for your visit with us today, and wish you love, light, wisdom, and many blessings!